Sunday 19 July 2015


  • Biggest continent in the World.
  • It covers 8.6% of Earth total surface area.
  • It covers 29.4% of Earth land surface area.
  • Asia has an area of 44,579,000,212,000 Sq. miles)
  • Asia is bounded by Pacific Ocean on the East, Europe by West and Indian Ocean at the South & Arctic ocean at North.
  • Asia contains more than 60% of World population, which is about 4 billion.
  •  China accounts for 31.69% of Asia’s population and India accounts for 29.36% of Asia’s population.
  • Highest Point – Mt. Everest – 8848 m.
  • Lowest Point – Dead Sea – 418 m below sea level.
  • Major rivers :
    • Brahmaputra:  2900 Km.
    • Ganges:  2525 Km.
    • Hwang-Ho: 5464 Km.
    • Yenisei: 5539 Km.
    • Amur: 2824 Km.Mekong:  4350 Km.
  • Major Lake – Urmia – 5200 Sq. Km in Iran.
  • Highest Lake – Lhagba Pool – 6368 m in Himalayas.
  • Second biggest continent in the World.
  • It covers 6% of the Earth’s total Surface area.
  • It covers 20.4% of the Earth’s land surface area.
  • Africa has an area of 30,221,532 Sq. Km. (11,668,599 Sq. miles).
  • It accounts for about 14.2% of the World’s Population.
  • Africa is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea to the North-East, Indian Ocean on the South-East and Atlantic ocean on the West.
  • Africa contains 53 countries including the island groups.
  • Major Rivers:
    • Nile: 6853 Km.
    • Congo: 4700 Km.
    • Niger:  4180 Km.
    • Zambezi: 2574 Km.
  • Major lakes:
    • Lake Victoria – 69,500 Sq. Km [Uganda, Kenya & Tanzania].
    • Tanganyika – 36,200 Sq. km [Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania].
  • Largest Deserts:
    • Sahara – 9,066,500,000 Sq. Km.
    • Kalahari – 260,000 Sq. Km.
  • Highest Point – Mt. Kilimanjaro – [Tanzania] – 5895 m.
  • Lowest Point – Lake Assal – Djibouti – 156 m.
  • Borders:
    • Northern Point: Cape Blanc.
    • Southern Point: Cape Agulhas.
    • Western Point: Cape Verde.
    • Eastern Point: Ras Hafun.

  • It is the third largest continent in the World.
  • It covers about 4.8% of the Earth Surface area.
  • It covers about 16.5% of its Earth land area.
  • North America has area of 24,709,000 Sq. Km (9,540,000 Sq. miles).
  • Highest Point: Mount McKinley, Alaska, USA – 6194 meter (or) 20,320 feet above sea level.
  • Lowest Point: Death Valley, California, USA – 86 m (or) 282 feet below sea level.
  • Largest country: Canada – 9,976,140 Sq. Km (3,851,788 Sq. miles).
  • Smallest country: Grenada – 340 Sq. Km (131 Sq. miles).
  • Largest Lake: Lake Superior, Canada & US – 32,140 Sq. miles.
  • Deserts:
    • Great Basin: 102,317 Sq. Km (39,505 Sq. miles).
    • Mojave: 124,000 Sq. Km (47,877 Sq. miles).
    • Sonoran:  280,000 Sq. Km (110,000 Sq. miles).
    • Chihuahuan: 362,000 Sq. Km (139,769 Sq. miles).
  • Largest Island: Greenland – 2,166,086 Sq. Km (836,327 Sq. miles).
  • Borders:
    • North: Atlantic Ocean.
    • East: Atlantic Ocean.
    • West: Pacific Ocean.
    • South: Pacific Ocean.
    • South East: South America.
  • Located wholly within Northern hemisphere & Western Hemisphere.
  • Major Rivers:
    • Mississippi – 3734 Km (2320 miles).
    • Missouri – 3767 Km (2341 miles).
    • Mackenzie – 4241 km (2635 miles).
    • Yukon – 3185 Km (1979 miles).
    • Rio Grenade – 3108 KM (1931 miles).
  • Major Lakes:
    • Lake Superior – 82,103 Sq. Km
    • Lake Michigan – 58,000 Sq. Km.
    • Lake Huron – 59,600 Sq. Km.
    • Lake Eric – 25,744 Sq. Km.
    • Lake Ontario – 18,960 Sq. Km.
  • Great Barrier Lake – 31,153 Sq. Km.
                                                                   SOUTH AMERICA
  • It is the fourth largest continent in the World.
  • It nearly covers 3.5% of the Earth’s surface area.
  • It has an area of about 17,840,000 Sq. Km (6,890,000 Sq. miles).
  • It is surrounded by Pacific Ocean in the West, Atlantic Ocean on the North & East.
  •  Highest Point: Aconcagua – 22841 Ft (6962 meter).
  • Lowest Point: Laguna Del Carbon – 344 Ft (105 meter) below sea level.
  • Number of countries: 14.
  • Major rivers:
    • Amazon – 6734 Km.
    • Parana – 4880 Km.
    • Orinoco – 2140 Km.
    • Tocantins – 2640 Km.
  • Biggest city: Sao Paulo, Brazil.
  • The highest waterfalls in the World, Angel falls is located in Venezuela is about 1000 meters height. The World’s second largest river, amazon is in South America.
  • Major Lakes:
    • Lake Titicaca: 8372 Sq. Km.
    • Lake Maracaibo: 13210 Sq. Km.
  • Largest country: Brazil.
  • Smallest country: Suriname.
  • It covers 2% of the Earth surface area.
  • It covers 6.8% of the Earth land surface area.
  • Europe has an area of about 10,180,000 Sq. Km (3,930,000 Sq. miles).
  • It is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the North, Atlantic Ocean on the West, the Mediterranean Sea to the South, the black sea and waterways to the South East.
  • Largest country: Russian Federation.
  • Largest country wholly in Europe: Ukraine.
  • Smallest country: Vatican City.
  • Highest Point: El’brus, Caucasus Mountains – 5,642 m (18,510 feet).
  • Major rivers:
    • Volga: 3692 Km.
    • Danube: 2860 Km.
    • Dnieper: 2145 Km
    • Don: 1950 Km.
    • Ural: 2428 Km.
    • Pechora: 1809 Km.

  • It is the 6th largest country.
  • It is also known as island continent.
  • It has an area of about 7,692,024 (2,969,907 Sq. miles).
  • Major rivers:
    • Murray: 2375 km.
    • Murrumbidgee: 1485 km.
    • Darling: 1472 km.
    • Lachlan: 1448 km.
  • Located wholly on southern hemisphere & Eastern hemisphere.
  • Biggest cities: Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane.
  • Highest point: Mt. Cossisco (2228 m).

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