Science | Concerning Field |
Acology | the study of medical remedies |
Acoustics | the science of sound |
Adenology | the study of glands |
Aedoeology | the science of generative organs |
Aerobiology | the study of airborne organisms |
Aerodonetics | the study of Gliding |
Aerodynamics | the science of movement in a flow of air (or) gases |
Aerology | the study of atmosphere |
Aeronautics | the study of navigation in air (or) space |
Aerostatics | the study of air pressure |
Agrobiology | the study of agricultural soils |
Agrostology | the science (or) study of grasses |
Agronomics | the study of productivity of land |
Algology | the study of algae |
Anaesthesiology | the study of anesthetics |
Anatomy | the study of structure of human body |
Anemology | the study of winds |
Anthropobiology | the study of human biology |
Apiology | the study of bees |
Archelogy | the study of first principles |
Areology | the study of Mars |
Arthrology | the study of joints |
Astronomy | the study of celestial bodies |
Audiology | the study of hearing |
Auxology | the study of growth |
Avionics | the science of electronic devices for aircraft |
Bacteriology | the study of bacteria |
Barology | the study of gravitation |
Batology | the study of brambles |
Bibliology | the study of books |
Biology | the study of life |
Biometrics | the study of biological measurement |
Botany | the study of plants |
Bromatology | the study of foods |
Caliology | the study of bird's net |
Calorifics | the study of heat |
Cambistry | the study of international exchange |
Carcinology | the studyof crabs and other Crustaceans |
Cardiology | the study of the heart |
Carpology | the study of fruit |
Catacoustics | the science of echoes (or) reflectes sounds |
Catalactics | the science of commercial exchange |
Cetology | the study of whales and dolphins |
Chemistry | the study of property of substances |
Chronobiology | the study of biological rhythms |
Chrysology | the study of precious metal |
Ciselure | the art of chasing metal |
Climatology | the study of climate |
Codicology | the study of manuscripts |
Coleopterology | the study of beetles & weevils |
Cometology | the study of comets |
Conchology | the study of shells |
Cosmetology | the study of cosmetics |
Craniology | the study of skull |
Criminology | the study of crimes |
Cryptology | the study of codes |
Cynology | the scientific study of dogs |
Cytology | the study of living cells |
Dactylioogy | the study of rings |
Dactylography | the study of finger prints |
Demology | the study of human behavior |
Dendrology | the study of trees |
Dermatology | the study of skin |
Desomology | the sstudy of ligaments |
Dialectology | the study of dialects |
Dioptrics | the study of light refraction |
Eccrinology | the study of excretion |
Ecology | the study of environment |
Economics | the study of material wealth |
Edaphology | the study of soils |
Electrology | the study of electricity |
Electrochemistry | the study of relations between electricity and chemicals |
Electrostatics | the study of statis electricity |
Embryology | the study of embryos |
Emmenology | the study of mensuration |
Endemiology | the study of local disease |
Endocrinology | the study of glands |
Enigmatology | the study of engimas |
Entology | the study of insects |
Enzymology | the study of enzymes |
Epidemiology | the study of diseases |
Eremology | the study of deserts |
Egronomics | the study of people at wok |
Ethnology | the study of cultures |
Ethnomethodology | the study pf comparative musical systems |
Ethology | the study of natural (or) biological characters |
Ethonomics | the study of economic and ethical principles of a society |
Etiology | the science of causes |
Etymology | the study pf origins |
Exobiology | the study of extraterrestrial life |
Fluviology | the study of water courses |
Gastroenterology | the study of stomach |
Gemmology | the studyof gems and jewels |
Genesiology | the study of reproduction and heredity |
Geochemistry | the study of chemistry of the earth's crust |
Geochronology | the study of measuring geological time |
Geogeny | the science of formation of earth's crust |
Geogony | the study of formation of the earth |
Geology | the study of earth's crust |
Geomorphogency | the study of the origins of lands |
Geoponics | the study of agriculture |
Geratology | the study of decadence and decay |
Glaciology | the study of ice ages and glaciation |
Graminology | the study of grasses |
Grammatology | the study of systems of writings |
Gromatics | the science of surveying |
Haemataulics | the study of movement of blood through blood vessels |
Halieutics | the study of fishing |
Helcology | the study of ulcers |
Heliology | the science of the sun |
Helminthology | the study of worms |
Hematology | the study of blood |
Hepatology | the study of liver |
Hippology | the study of horses |
Historigraphy | the study of writing history |
Hoplology | the study of weapons |
Horiculture | the study of gardening |
Hydrobiology | the study of aquatic organisms |
Hydrodynamics | the study of movement of liquids |
Hydrography | the study of investigating water bodies |
Hydrokinetics | the study of motion fluids |
Hydrology | the study of water resources |
Hydrometeorology | the sudy of atmospheric moisture |
Hyetology | the science of rainfall |
Hygiastics | the science of health and hygiene |
Hygienics | the study of sanitation |
Hygrology | the study of humidity |
Hygrometry | the science of humidity |
Iamatology | the study of remedies |
Ichthyology | the study of fishing |
Immunology | the study of immunity |
Insectology | the study of insects |
Irenology | the study of peace |
Karyology | the study of cell nuclei |
Kymatology | the study of wave motion |
Lichenology | the study of lichens |
Linguisstics | the study of language |
Lithology | the study of rocks |
Magnetics | the study of magnetism |
Malacology | the study of molluscs |
Malariology | the study of malaria |
Mammalogy | the study of mammals |
Melittology | the study of bees |
Metallography | the study of the structur and constitution of metals |
Metallurgy | the study of alloying and treating metals |
Meteoritics | the study of meteors |
Meteorology | the study of weather |
Metrology | the science of weights and measures |
Microanatomy | the study of microscopic organisms |
Mineralogy | the study of mineral |
Mycology | the study of funguses |
Nautics | the art of navigation |
Nematology | the study of nematodes |
Nessology | the study of nesting birds |
Nephology | the study of clouds |
Nephrology | the study of kidneys |
Neurobiology | the study of anatomy of the nervos system |
Neurology | the study of nervous system |
Neuropsychology | the study of relation between brain and behaviour |
Nosology | the study of diseases |
Numismatics | the study of coins |
Numerology | the study of numbers |
Oceanography | the study of oceans |
Odontology | the study of teeth |
Oenology | the study of wines |
Ombrology | the study of rain |
Oncology | the study of tumours |
Onamasiology | the study of nomenclature |
Oology | the study of eggs |
Ophiology | the study of snakes |
Opthalmology | the study of eye diseases |
Optics | the study of optics |
Optology | the study of sight |
Optometry | the science of examining eyes |
Ornithology | the study of birds |
Orchidology | the study of orchids |
Orology | the study of mountains |
Orthography | the study of spelling |
Osteology | the study of bones |
Ostology | the study of ear |
Otorhinolaryngology | the study of ear, nose and tongue |
Paedotrophy | the study of children |
Palaeoanthropology | the study of early humans |
Palaeobiology | the study of fossils plants and animals |
Palaeolimnology | the study of ancient lakes |
Palaeoclimatology | the study of ancient climates |
Palaeontology | the study of fossils |
Palynology | the study of pollen |
Papyrology | the study of paper |
Parasitology | the study of parasites |
Padagogics | the study of teaching |
Pedology | the study of soils |
Penology | the study of crime and punishment |
Pestology | the study of pests |
Petrology | the study of rocks |
Pharmacology | the sudy of drugs |
Pharology | the study of lighthouses |
Pharyngology | the study of throat |
Philately | the study of postage |
Photobiology | the study of effects of light on organisms |
Physiology | the study of process of life |
Phytology | he study of plants |
Piscatology | the study of fishes |
Planetology | the study of planets |
Pomology | the study of war |
Pamology | the study of fruit growing |
Potamology | the study of rivers |
Pseudoptics | the study of optical illusions |
Psychogenetics | the study of internal (or) mental states |
Psycology | the study of minds |
Psychathology | the study of mental illness |
Pteridology | the study of ferns |
Pyretology | the study of fever |
Pyrgology | the study of towers |
Radiology | the study of X-rays and their medical application |
Rhinology | the study of nose |
Seisomology | the study of earthquakes |
Selenology | the study of moon |
Semiology | the study of signs and signals |
Sitology | the study of dietetics |
Sociology | the study of society |
Stomatology | the study of mouth |
Symbology | the study of symbols |
Systematology | the study of systems |
Thermology | the study of heat |
Therology | the study of wild mammals |
Threpsology | the science of nutrition |
Toxophily | the study of archery |
Trophology | the study of nutrition |
Urbanology | the study of cities |
Venereology | the study of veneral diseases |
Vermology | the study of worms |
Virology | the study of virus |
Volcanology | the study of volcanoes |
Zoochemistry | the chemistry of animals |
Zoology | the study of animals |
Zoonomy | the animal physiology |
Friday, 17 July 2015
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