Friday, 17 July 2015


Science Concerning Field
Acology the study of medical remedies
Acoustics the science of sound
Adenology the study of glands
Aedoeology the science of generative organs
Aerobiology the study of airborne organisms
Aerodonetics the study of Gliding
Aerodynamics the science of movement in a flow of air (or) gases
Aerology the study of atmosphere
Aeronautics the study of navigation in air (or) space
Aerostatics the study of air pressure
Agrobiology the study of agricultural soils
Agrostology the science (or) study of grasses
Agronomics the study of productivity of land
Algology the study of algae
Anaesthesiology the study of anesthetics
Anatomy the study of structure of human body
Anemology the study of winds
Anthropobiology the study of human biology
Apiology the study of bees
Archelogy the study of first principles
Areology the study of Mars
Arthrology the study of joints
Astronomy the study of celestial bodies
Audiology the study of hearing
Auxology the study of growth
Avionics the science of electronic devices for aircraft
Bacteriology the study of bacteria
Barology the study of gravitation
Batology the study of brambles
Bibliology the study of books
Biology the study of life
Biometrics the study of biological measurement
Botany the study of plants
Bromatology the study of foods
Caliology the study of bird's net
Calorifics the study of heat
Cambistry the study of international exchange
Carcinology the studyof crabs and other Crustaceans
Cardiology the study of the heart
Carpology the study of fruit
Catacoustics the science of echoes (or) reflectes sounds
Catalactics the science of commercial exchange
Cetology the study of whales and dolphins
Chemistry the study of property of substances
Chronobiology the study of biological rhythms
Chrysology the study of precious metal
Ciselure the art of chasing metal
Climatology the study of climate
Codicology the study of manuscripts
Coleopterology the study of beetles & weevils
Cometology the study of comets
Conchology the study of shells
Cosmetology the study of cosmetics
Craniology the study of skull
Criminology the study of crimes
Cryptology the study of codes
Cynology the scientific study of dogs
Cytology the study of living cells
Dactylioogy the study of rings
Dactylography the study of finger prints
Demology the study of human behavior
Dendrology the study of trees
Dermatology the study of skin
Desomology the sstudy of ligaments
Dialectology the study of dialects
Dioptrics the study of light refraction
Eccrinology the study of excretion
Ecology the study of environment
Economics the study  of material wealth
Edaphology the study of soils
Electrology the study of electricity
Electrochemistry the study of relations between electricity and chemicals
Electrostatics the study of statis electricity
Embryology the study of embryos
Emmenology the study of mensuration
Endemiology the study of local disease
Endocrinology the study of glands
Enigmatology the study of engimas
Entology the study of insects
Enzymology the study of enzymes
Epidemiology the study of diseases
Eremology the study of deserts
Egronomics the study of people at wok
Ethnology the study of cultures
Ethnomethodology the study pf comparative musical systems
Ethology the study of natural (or) biological characters
Ethonomics the study of economic and ethical principles of a society
Etiology the science of causes
Etymology the study pf origins
Exobiology the study of extraterrestrial life
Fluviology the study of water courses
Gastroenterology the study of stomach
Gemmology the studyof gems and jewels
Genesiology the study of reproduction and heredity
Geochemistry the study of chemistry of the earth's crust
Geochronology the study of measuring geological time
Geogeny the science of formation of earth's crust
Geogony the study of formation of the earth
Geology the study of earth's crust
Geomorphogency the study of the origins of lands
Geoponics the study of agriculture
Geratology the study of decadence and decay
Glaciology the study of ice ages and glaciation
Graminology the study of grasses
Grammatology the study of systems of writings
Gromatics the science of surveying
Haemataulics the study of movement of blood through blood vessels
Halieutics the study of fishing
Helcology the study of ulcers
Heliology the science of the sun
Helminthology the study of worms
Hematology the study of blood
Hepatology the study of liver
Hippology the study of horses
Historigraphy the study of writing history
Hoplology the study of weapons
Horiculture the study of gardening
Hydrobiology the study of aquatic organisms
Hydrodynamics the study of movement of liquids
Hydrography the study of investigating water bodies
Hydrokinetics the study of motion fluids
Hydrology the study of water resources
Hydrometeorology the sudy of atmospheric moisture
Hyetology the science of rainfall
Hygiastics the science of health and hygiene
Hygienics the study of sanitation
Hygrology the study of humidity
Hygrometry the science of humidity
Iamatology the study of remedies
Ichthyology the study of fishing
Immunology the study of immunity
Insectology the study of insects
Irenology the study of peace
Karyology the study of cell nuclei
Kymatology the study of wave motion
Lichenology the study of lichens
Linguisstics the study of language
Lithology the study of rocks
Magnetics the study of magnetism
Malacology the study of molluscs
Malariology the study of malaria
Mammalogy the study of mammals
Melittology the study of bees
Metallography the study of the structur and constitution of metals
Metallurgy the study of alloying and treating metals
Meteoritics the study of meteors
Meteorology the study of weather
Metrology the science of weights and measures
Microanatomy the study of microscopic organisms
Mineralogy the study of mineral
Mycology the study of funguses
Nautics the art of navigation
Nematology the study of nematodes
Nessology the study of nesting birds
Nephology the study of clouds
Nephrology the study of kidneys
Neurobiology the study of anatomy of the nervos system
Neurology the study of nervous system
Neuropsychology the study of relation between brain and behaviour
Nosology the study of diseases
Numismatics the study of coins
Numerology the study of numbers
Oceanography the study of oceans
Odontology the study of teeth
Oenology the study of wines
Ombrology the study of rain
Oncology the study of tumours
Onamasiology the study of nomenclature
Oology the study of eggs
Ophiology the study of snakes
Opthalmology the study of eye diseases
Optics the study of optics
Optology the study of sight
Optometry the science of examining eyes
Ornithology the study of birds
Orchidology the study of orchids
Orology the study of mountains
Orthography the study of spelling
Osteology the study of bones
Ostology the study of ear
Otorhinolaryngology the study of ear, nose and tongue
Paedotrophy the study of children
Palaeoanthropology the study of early humans
Palaeobiology the study of fossils plants and animals
Palaeolimnology the study of ancient lakes
Palaeoclimatology the study of ancient climates
Palaeontology the study of fossils
Palynology the study of pollen
Papyrology the study of paper
Parasitology the study of parasites
Padagogics the study of teaching
Pedology the study of soils
Penology the study of crime and punishment
Pestology the study of pests
Petrology the study of rocks
Pharmacology the sudy of drugs
Pharology the study of lighthouses
Pharyngology the study of throat
Philately the study of postage
Photobiology the study of effects of light on organisms
Physiology the study of process of life
Phytology he study of plants
Piscatology the study of fishes
Planetology the study of planets
Pomology the study of war
Pamology the study of fruit growing
Potamology the study of rivers
Pseudoptics the study of optical illusions
Psychogenetics the study of internal (or) mental states
Psycology the study of minds
Psychathology  the study of mental illness
Pteridology the study of ferns
Pyretology the study of fever
Pyrgology the study of towers
Radiology the study of X-rays and their medical application
Rhinology the study of nose
Seisomology the study of earthquakes
Selenology the study of moon
Semiology the study of signs and signals
Sitology the study of dietetics
Sociology the study of society
Stomatology the study of mouth
Symbology the study of symbols
Systematology the study of systems
Thermology the study of heat
Therology the study of wild mammals
Threpsology the science of nutrition
Toxophily the study of archery
Trophology the study of nutrition
Urbanology the study of cities
Venereology the study of veneral diseases
Vermology the study of worms
Virology the study of virus
Volcanology the study of volcanoes
Zoochemistry the chemistry of animals
Zoology the study of animals
Zoonomy the animal physiology

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