Tuesday, 25 August 2015


Jan 5: 5th army begins final assault on winter Line, East of Cassino.
Jan 6: Russians advance into Poland.
Jan 7: Russians advance into Ukraine.
Jan 15: 5th army takes Mount Trocchio. Germans withdraw across Rapido. Russians open offensive for Leningrad & Novgorod.
Jan 16: Eisenhower assumes duty as supreme commander of Allied Expeditionary forces.
Jan 17: British 5th army’s 10th corps crosses Garigliano.
Jan 19: Russians take Novgorod.
Jan 20: Americans reach the Rapido.
Jan 22: US 5th army lands at Anzio.
Jan 24: US 5th army occupies Anzio & Nettuno.
Jan 26: Russians announces complete relief of Leningrad.
Jan 27: Russians trap large German force in front line at Kangew.
Jan 30: US 5th army break into Gustav Line.
Jan 31: Us troops makes successful invasion of Kwajalein Atoll. Austrian & Dutch troops engage Japanese in Dutch New Guinea.
Feb 3: Russians surround 10 division of German 8th army.
Feb 4: Japanese open offensive on Arakan front to force Allies back to India.
Feb 5: Americans mop up in Kwajalein. Chindit 16th Brigade begins to move towards Indaw, Burma.
Feb 7: Allied force cut off in ‘Admin Box’ on the Arakan front.
Feb 8: Plan for overload confirmed at Allied Headquarters. Australians clear Huon peninsula.
Feb 14: Eisenhower establishes SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Extraordinary Force) Headquarters.
Feb 15: Air & artillery bombardment destroys Cassino Abbey.
Feb 16: Germans launch second offensive at Anzio.
Feb 19: US troops land on Eniwetok islands. Allied air strikes halt German attack at Anzio.
Feb 21: Tojo becomes Chief of Japanese army General staff.
Feb 25: British clear Japanese from Ngakyedauk pass in Burma. ‘Admin Box’ relieved.
Mar 2: Greek resistance groups co-operate to fight Germans.
Mar 4: Us & Chinese troops move against Japanese in Hukawng valley. US air force conducts first air raid on Berlin.
Mar 6: Russians advance 100 mile front into Ukraine.
Mar 9: Japanese attack on Bougainville.
Mar 13: British & West African troops land on Arakan coast. Russians capture Kherson.
Mar 14: Germans trapped in Nikolayev pocket. British withdraw from Tiddim to Imphal plain.
Mar 18: Royal Air Force drops over 3000 bombs on Hamburg. One of the heaviest air raids till today.
Mar 24: Japanese decisively beaten during counter offensive on Bougainville.
Mar 26: British para-troops retreat to Imphal after delaying Japanese advance.
Mar 29: Siege of Imphal begins. Imphal – Kohima road cut.
Mar 31: Russians capture Ochakov on the Black Sea.
Apr 2: Russians enter Rumania.
Apr 4: Japanese begin assault on Kohima.
Apr 8: Russians reach Czech border. Russia opens final offensive attack on Crimea.
Apr 10: Odessa falls to Red army.
Apr 11: Russians take Kerch; German 17th army retreats into Sebastopol; Russians advance into Simferopol.
Apr 17: Russians liberate Tarnopol and cut the Axis front to two.
Apr 22: USA makes unopposed landing at Hollandia, Dutch New Guinea.
Apr 27: Americans control all airfields in Hollandia and occupies Indaw.
Apr 28: Japanese advance in Honan province. US & Chinese troops move towards Mogaung valley.
May 5: 14th army begins attack on Assam.
May 7: Russians attack on Sebastopol.
May 8: Eisenhower decides June 5 as D-day for Normandy invasion.
May 9: Russians take Sebastopol. Japanese capture Lushan and cut last sector of Peiping - Hangkow railway. Allied Air Force launches air attack to prepare for D-day.
May 11: 5th and 8th armies open offensive to break through Germans on Gustav Line.
May 12: Allies cross Carigliano and Rapido rivers. Last German forces evacuated from Crimea.
May 13: Allies take St. Angelo, Castleforte; open way to Rome.
May 15: Germans begin withdrawal from Gustav line to Adolf Hiller Line.
May 16: 5th & 8th armies overrun Gustav line south of the Liri. Last Japanese troops cleared from Kohima Bridge.
May 17: Us forces land on Wakde and Insoemanai Islands. Kesselring orders Cassino to evacuate.
May 22: Canadians break through Adolf Hitler Line.
May 23: Allied offensive from beachhead begins with large air support operation ‘Buffalo’.
May 25: Troops from Anzio link up with 5th army patrols at Terracina.
May 27: Americans land on Biak Islands.
May 29: First tank battle of South West Pacific is fought on Biak.
May 31: Germans launch heavy attacks against Russians on North of Jassy.
Jun 2: Chinese besiege Myitkyina.
Jun 3: Hitler orders Kesselring to withdraw from Rome. End of battle of Kohima.
Jun 4: US 5th army enters Rome.
Jun 5: Air borne troops dropped in Normandy.
Jun 6: D-day. Allied naval troops land in Normandy, French coast between Cherbourg & Le Havre.
Jun 7: Allies reach Bayeux.
Jun 10: Allied bridgehead expands. Montgomery establishes Headquarters in Normandy. Russians break through into Karelian Isthmus.
Jun 12: All Normandy beachheads linked up. Front extends to 50 miles.
Jun 13: First V-1 flying bombs land in England.
Jun 15: US marines land on Saipan and makes inland pass against strong opposition.
Jun 16: US Air Force conducts first air raid on Kyushu islands, Japan from Chinese base.
Jun 18: Russians break through Mannerheim Line. British 8th army takes Assisi. US troops reach West coast of Cotentin peninsula and cut off Cherbourg.
Jun 19: Naval air battle in Marians. Battle of Philippine at Sea. Japan lost about 400 aircrafts.
Jun 20: US carrier aircraft destroys retiring Japanese fleet. Japan loses 14 warships and 3 aircraft carrier destroyers.
Jun 22: British 14th army clears Kohima – Imphal road and relieves Imphal. Chindit begin attack on Mogaung.
Jun 24: Russians reach the Dvina.
Jun 26: Mogaung taken. British launch drive to West of Caen and halted after heavy losses.
Jun 27: Russians cross Dnieper & German forces destroyed near Vitebsk.
July 3: Japan admirals Nagumo, Yano killed in fighting on Saipan.
July 9: 2nd army takes Caen. Russians cross the Vuoksi in Finland.
July 16: British 8th army takes Arezzo, reached the Arno.
July 17: Russians cross Bug into Poland. 8th army drives towards Florence.
July 18: US forces enter St. Lo. British 2nd army launches operation “Goodwood”. Japanese retreat from Imphal – Kohima area.
July 20: The July Bomb plot, attempt to assassinate Hitler.
July 21: US marines land on Guam.
July 24: Us marines land on Tinian, heavy fighting on Guam. 
July 27: US 1st army breaks through West of St. Lo. Russians capture L’viv, Stanislavov, Daugavpils and Rezekne.
August 1: Russians cut communications between East Prussia and Baltic States. Polish underground army fights in Warsaw.
August 9: Eisenhower sets up HQ in France.
August 10: Japanese garrison on Guam annihilated.
August 13: Germans begin withdraw from Falaise - Argentan trap.
August 14: Soviet offensive from Vistula bridgehead begins.
August 15: Operation ‘Anvil’ – Allies invade to southern France. US 7th army land between Toulon and Nice.
August 17: Russians reach East Prussian Border.
August 18: Roosevelt announces agreement reached between allies on military occupation of Germany.
August 20: US 3rd army establishes bridgehead across the Seine near Mantes-Gassing court. France enter Toulon Russians open offensive against Rumania & breakthrough Danube.
August 22: Beginning of fleet Air arm attack on Tirpitz and other German Naval unites in Altafjord.
August 23: FFI (Free Force of Interior) takes over control of Paris. Allies take Melun, Evreux, Grenoble, Hyeres, and Marseilles.
August 25: Allied forces liberate Paris.
August 26: Allied forces begin to advance to eastward from Seine bridgeheads.
August 27: Last Chindits evacuated to India.
August 28: Last garrison in Marseilles surrenders and Toulon cleared of Germans.
August 29: US 1st army liberates Soissons. French troops cross the Rhone.
August 31:
September 1: British enter Arias. Canadians take Dieppe, Rowen.
September 3: British 2nd army liberates Brussels. French forces capture Lyons.
September 4: British 2ne army liberates Antwerp.
September 5: US 3rd army spearheads cross the Meuse. Russia declares war on Bulgaria. Bulgaria requests armistice with Russia.
September 6: Russians reach Yugoslavia border.
September 8: Russians enter into Bulgaria unopposed. First V2 rocket lands at Chiswick, West London.
September 10: Operation “Market Garden”, plan to secure Rhine bridgehead at Arnhem. Russians capture Prague.
September 12: Us 1st army crosses German frontier near Aachen. German garrisons in Le Havre Surrenders.
September 14: Russians enter Warsaw Suburbs.
September 16: Russians enter Sofia.
September 17: 1st Allied airborne army lands in Holland near Eindhoven and Arnhem. Russians advance into Estonia.
September 18: End of German resistance in Brest.
September 21: British forces at Arnhem Bridge destroyed.
September 22: Russians enter Tallinn in Estonia and Arad in Rumania. Boulogne surrenders. US troops land on Ulithi Atoll.
September 23: Russians reach Gulf of Riga.
September 24: British 2nd army reaches Lower Rhine.
September 25: Canadians launch heavy attack on Calais. Hitler orders formation of Volkssturm.
September 26: Russians occupy Estonia.
September 30: Germans surrender at Calais.
October 1: Red army enters Yugoslavia.
October 2: Russians start offensive against Germans in North Finland. Warsaw patriots capitulate to Germans through lack of food & arms.
October 4: Russians and Tito’s forces link up. Operation “Manna” – British troops land in Greece.
October 5: British troops land in Albania and Greek islands.
October 6: Russians enter Czechoslovakia.
October 9: Third Moscow conference begins.
October 10: Russians reach Baltic coast. US 3rd fleet aircraft attacks shipping and airfields in Okinawa.
October 11: US 3rd fleet aircraft attack Luzon.
October 12: British Paratroops capture Athens airfield. US 3rd fleet aircraft starts 7 day air operations against Formosa.
October 13: Germans launch V-bomb attack against Antwerp. US last army enters Aachen.
October 14: British liberate Athens.
October 17: US rangers land on islands to approach Leyte Gulf.
October 19: British capture Japanese supply depot at Mohnyin in Burma. Moscow conference ends. Hitler orders annihilation of Warsaw. Spain closes French frontier. Germans evacuate Belgrade.
October 20: Us 6th army invades Leyte. Belgrade and Dubrovnik liberated.
October 23: Battle of Leyte Gulf. 3 day naval-air battle begins. Russians enter East Prussia.
October 25: US 3rd & 7th fleets continue to attack Japanese fleet at Leyte.
October 27: Kamikaze attacks on USTF 38 in Philippines. Russians opens new offensive in Latvia.
October 28: Russo-Bulgarian armistice signed in Moscow. Germans begin evacuation of Albania.
October 30: Last extermination gassing at Auschwitz.
November 2: Germans evacuated from Greece.
November 10: Russians and Partisans cross the Danube.
November 11: US navy bombards Iwo Jima.
November 12: Royal Air Force Lancaster sink the Tirpitz in Tromso Fjord.
November 16: British 14th army captures Kalemyo & cuts Japanese communications with south.
November 18: US 3rd army crosses German Frontier.
November 22: Us 3rd army clears Metz.
November 23: Germans evacuate Finnish Lapland & Macedonia.
November 24: Allies cross the Saar and French take Strasbourg. B-295 raid Tokyo from bases in Marianas for first time.
November 29: Russians cross Danube, north of the Drava. Russians cease operations in North Finland.
December 6: US 3rd army crosses the Saar.
December 7: US forces land near Ormoc on Leyte Island.
December 8: US air force begins 72-day bombardment of Iwo Jima.
December 9: Red army encircles Budapest.
December 15: Western Visayan task force lands on Mindoro and commences airfield construction. Chinese take Bhamo in Burma.
December 16: Battle of the Bulge. German V & VI panzer armies under Rundstedt begin counterattack against US 1st & 9th armies in the Ardennes.
December 22: Final German attempt to reach the Meuse in Ardennes offensive.
December 25: German Panzers turned back four miles from the Meuse. Japanese resistance on Leyte ends.
December 27: Budapest encircled.

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