Tuesday, 25 August 2015


January 1: Declaration of United Nations signed by the 26 Allied nations.
January 2: Japanese occupy Manila & Cavite. British & South Africans recapture Borovsk.
January 4: Additional Japanese troops arrive at east coast of Malaysia.
January 7: Heavy fighting between Chinese & Japanese at Changsha. Japanese enter into Central Malaysia.
January 8: Rommel forced to retreat from Ajdabiya.
January 9: Russians enter into Smolensk Prince.
January 16: Japan invades Burma from Thailand. US losses more troops in Bataan Peninsula.
January 17: Rommel’s last garrison in Cyrenaica surrender.
January 18: Axis power signs new military pact. Wannsee conference announces ‘Final solution of the Jewish problem’.
January 21: Rommel starts surprise attack and begins re-conquest of Cyrenaica.
January 22: Americans retreat of Bataan.
January 23: Japanese land at Rabaul, Kavieng & Balikpapan. Australia request US & UK for reinforcement. Heavy Japanese raid on Rangoon. Russians break through Lake Ilmen & Smolensk.
January 24: Battle of Macassar strait.
January 26: First American troops arrive at Great Britain.
January 28: Timoshenko advances into Ukraine. Rommel recaptures Benghazi.
January 30: British forces withdrawn from Singapore.
February 3: Japanese begin bombing of Moresby. Japanese make Pre-invasion air attack on Java. Japan capture Paan in Burma
February 4: Japan demand unconditional surrender of Singapore. Rommel captures Derna.
February 7: Japanese land of Singapore.
February 13: Red army enters White Russia.
February 15: Singapore surrenders to Japan.
February 19: Japan invades Bali & bombs Darwin.
February 20: Japan army land on Portuguese Timor. US agree to loan one billion dollar to Russia.
February 22: General Mac Arthur ordered to leave to Australia & appointed C-in-C of Allied forces in Australia.
February 23: Mutual agreement signed between US, UK, Australia & New Zealand.
February 27: Battle of Java Sea begins & allied troops destroyed.
February 28: Japanese army invades Java Island.
March 1: Russians launch offensive attack in Crimea.
March 2: Japan army land at Mindanao.
March 8: Japanese land at Lae & Salamanca. It started to enter Rangoon.
March 9: General Yamashita appointer C-in-C of Philippines. Dutch East India Company capitulates.
March 12: British garrison withdraws from Andaman Islands.
 March 18: British appoint Admiral Mountbatten as Chief of combined operations.
March 23: Japan captures Andaman Islands.
March 28: Allied troops starts raid on Saint-Nazaire.
March 30: Pacific war council established in Washington.
April 1: Japan army begins landing on Dutch New Guinea.
April 3: Japan starts all-out offensive against last line of defense of Bataan.
April 4: Japanese sinks HMS Dorsetshire, Cornwall, and Hermes in Indian Ocean.
April 9: General King surrenders Bataan.
April 16: George cross awarded at Malta.
April 18: Colonel Doolittle leads bombing raid on Japan.
April 29: Japan captures Lashio. Hitler & Mussolini meet at Salzburg.
April 30: Japan occupies central Burma.
May 1: British evacuate Mandalay.
May 2: All British troops from Irrawaddy withdrawn.
May 5: Japan army land on Corregidor. British army lands on Madagascar.
May 6: Wainwright surrenders all forces in Philippines.
May 7: Battle of Coral Sea begins.
May 8: Japan occupies Akyab. German begins summer offensive in Crimea. Main action on Battle of Coral Sea begins.
May 11: Japan launches offensive attack against Yunnan & Chekiang provinces.
May 13: Russia makes strong attack in Kharkov area. Germany withdraws forces in Kerch peninsula.
May 15: Retreating British forces cross Indo-Burma frontier.
May 16: Germans capture Kerch. Red army continues towards Kharkov.
May 17: Germans halt Russian offensive east of Kharkov.
May 20: Germans retake whole of Kerch peninsula. Japan takes defensive position in Burma.
May 26: 20 year old Anglo-Russian treaty signed. Rommel attacks Gazala line.
May 27: Heydrich assassinated in Prague.
May 28: Germans destroy large Russian forces in Kharkov area.
May 30: US task forces leave to Midway Islands. First Royal Air Force raids on Cologne.
June 4: Battle of Midway. US destroy four Japanese carriers.
June 5: Germans besiege Sebastopol.
June 7: Japanese invade Aleutians.
June 10: Free French forces withdrawn from Bir Hakeim.
June 17: British withdraw towards Egypt & leaves garrison in Tobruk.
June 19: Churchill & Roosevelt confer on problems of second front.
June 20: Tobruk falls. Germans drive towards Sebastopol defense.
June 24: Rommel advances to Sidi Barrani.
June 25: Auchinleck takes command in Desert. Eisenhower appointed as US C-in-C of Europe.
June 27: German advance to Mersa Matruh.
June 28: German offensive at Kursk. British started to withdraw to El Alamein area.
June 30: Rommel reaches Alamein.
July 2: British force German to withdraw from Alamein.
July 3: German captures Sebastopol. 
July 4: Germans reach Don on wide front. PQ-17 convoy to Russia attacked by German.
July 7: Germans capture Voronezh.
July 12: Australians arrive at Kokoda.
July 22: Japanese reinforcement of Kokoda Trail moves to Buna.
July 3: Stalin orders ‘Not another step back’.
July 31: Germans cross Don on front.
August 7: US marines land in Guadalcanal - Tulagi area of Solomons.
Aug 8: Battle of Savo Islands.
August 9: Germans capture Krasnodar & Maykop.
August 11: Violent attacks on ‘Pedestal’ convoy to Malta. HMS Eagle sunk.
August 12: First Moscow conference begins.
August 13: Montgomery takes command of 8th Army. Germans advance towards to Caucasus.
August 15: General Alexander takes over command of MEF from General Auchinleck.
August 17: Germans establish bridgeheads Kuban Peninsula. British & Canadian raid Dieppe.
August 19: General Paulus order German 6th army to attack Stalingrad.
August 24: Sea battle begins east of Solomon.
August 26: Japan land at Milne.
August 28: Heavy fighting around Stalingrad.
August 31: Battle of Alam el Halfa begins.
September 3: Fierce fighting at south of Stalingrad.
September 5: Australians force Japan to move out of Milne Bay.
September 11: Japanese halted in Owen Stanley Range at Ioribaiwa.
September 16: German army Group B enters through suburbs of Stalingrad.
September 30: First British liaison mission arrives in Greece.
October 11: Battle of Cape Esperance off Guadalcanal.
October 14: Hitler orders all troops to stop on Eastern front.
October 17: Bitter fighting at Eora Creek on Kokoda Trail.
October 19: US war department agrees to equip 30 more Chinese divisions.
October 23: Battle of Alamein starts. Japanese suffer heavy losses in Guadalcanal.
October 24: Battle of Santa Cruz off Guadalcanal. USS Hornet sunk.
October 25: El Alamein battle intensified. Another Japanese attack repulsed on Guadalcanal.
October 30: 8th army assault on northern flank of the 30th corps.
November 1: Marines launch attacks on Guadalcanal.
November 2: Operation ‘Supercharge’, the breakout from Alamein begins.
November 4: Axis starts to retreat from Alamein.
November 6: British 8th army approach Mersa Matruh.
November 8: Operation ‘Torch’ begins. Algeria falls to Germany.
November 10: Rommel starts to evacuate Sidi Barrani. ÚS troops take Oran.
November 11: Axis troops enter unoccupied France and Corsica.
November 12: US navy losses 2 Cruisers & 4 destroyers in the naval battle at the 1st battle of Guadalcanal.
November 13: British 8th army reaches Tobruk.
November 15: Japan nears to defeat in Guadalcanal.
November 18: British 8th army enters Cyrene.
November 20: British 8th army enters Benghazi.
November 23: Soviet Red Army forms ring around German 6th army at Stalingrad. Hitler orders dig and await relief.
November 28: Wide Russian offensive on Central Forces.
November 30: Naval Battle of Tassafaronga.
December 13: Rommel withdraws troops from El Aghelia.
December 17: United Nations to avenge Nazi crimes against Jews.
December 18: U.S. and Australian troops fight fiercely against Japan in Papua.
December 21: British and Indian troops cross Burma and advance towards Akyab.
December 24: Admiral Darian assassinated.
December 25: 8th army occupies Sirte.
December 28: Hitler agrees to withdraw Army A from Caucasus.

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