January 3: Germans start to withdraw from Caucasus.
January 4: Japanese begin to evacuate from Guadalcanal.
January 8: Rokossovsky send Ultimatum to Paulus to surrender
German 6th army.
January 15: 8th army opens offensive against
January 18: German army uses Tiger tanks in Tunisia. Seige
of Leningrad raised by Russian attack.
January 19: British 8th army occupies Homs,
Tarhuna. Japanese retreat from Sanananda.
January 23: British 8th army enters Tripoli.
January 26: Russians complete capture of Voronezh and took
January 27: US Air Force makes first attack of Germany bombing
at Wilhelmshaven.
January 31: Paulus surrenders southern 6th army
at Stalingrad.
February 1: Japanese 17th army evacuated from
Guadalcanal. Churchill arrives in Cairo from Adana.
February 2: German forces capitulate at Stalingrad.
February 6: Russians reach Sea of Azov at Yeysk, isolating
German group army A.
February 8: Russians take Kursk.
February 14: Germans launch counter attack In Tunisia.
Russians take Rostov.
February 16: Russians capture Kharkov, Voroshilovgrad.
British 8th army occupies Mareth line outpost.
February 17: Germans reach Feriana, Kasserine, Sbeitla.
February 20: Germans break-through to Kasserine pass.
February 25: Allied troops recover Kasserine pass.
March 2: Battle of Bismarck Sea begins.
March 5: End of Bismarck Sea battle. 12 Japanese ships sunk.
March 6: Rommel leaves from Africa.
March 12: Opening of military conference on Pacific in
March 13: Chinese army pushes Japanese back to cross
March 15: Germans recapture Kharkov.
March 20: 8th army starts attack on Arakan front.
March 28: German 8th army takes Mareth, Toujane, and
March 29: German 8th army occupies Gebes, El Hamma.
April 6: 8th army attacks at Wadi Akarit.
April 7: 8th army links with US II corps. Hitler,
Mussolini met at Fuhrer’s Headquarters.
April 18: Admiral Yamamoto’s plane intercepted & shot
down. Yamamoto killed in the attack.
April 19: Rising in Warsaw Ghetto begins.
April 21: British 8th army takes Enfidaville.
April 22: 1st army attack at Bou Arada towards
April 23: Hitler orders utmost severity in treatment of Jews
in Warsaw Ghetto.
April 24: US warships enter though Japanese positions in the
April 30: British appoint new command to Royal Navy to
co-ordinate convoy protection.
May 7: 18th army group overruns Tunisia &
May 9: Axis forces in US II corps zone in Tunisia surrender.
May 11: US infantry make surprise landing on Attu.
May 12: Arnim & Axis forces surrender in Africa. 2nd
Washington conference begins.
May 13: Giovanni Messe surrenders. Japanese launches heavy
air attacks in New Guinea.
May 16: Rising suppressed in Warsaw Ghetto.
May 17: Japanese retreat on Attu.
May 21: Japanese launch attack on central China.
May 23: Heaviest Royal Air Force raid on Dortmund and drops
2000 tons.
May 25: 2nd Washington conference ends.
May 27: First dropping of British liaison mission to Tito’s
May 29: Chinese launch new counterattack on Hubei-Hunan
border, supported by US Air Force.
May 30: Organized resistance collapses on Attu.
June 4: Russians bomb Karachev, Bryansk. Luftwaffe bombs
June 8: Japanese order abandonment of Kiska.
June 11: British invade Pantelleria virtually unopposed.
June 16: Tojo informs Japanese Diet that the war situation
became tense. Japan lost 100 aircraft on Guadalcanal.
June 20: Japan launch attacks on Australian positions on
Mubo-Lababia Ridge area in New Guinea.
June 25: Allies continue bombing of Sicily.
July 1: Americans capture Viru Harbour, New Georgia Islands.
July 4: General Sikorski killed in air crash.
July 5: Germans launch last attack on Eastern front in Kursk
July 9: Us troops land on Sicily. Russian stops axis forces
north & south of Kursk.
July 12: Greatest tank battle in history fought near
Prokhorovka. Russians start counter attack.
July 15: Russians launch near Orel. Japanese lose 45
aircraft in air battle over central Solomon.
July 22: Americans capture Palermo.
July 24: King of Italy invited to command armed forces.
20000 killed by RAF air raid on Hamburg.
July 25: Mussolini resigns and arrested. Marshal Badoglio
takes command of Italian army and forms government.
July 26: Martial Law in Italy. Fascist party dissolved.
July 28: Roosevelt broadcasts Allies terms to Italy.
August 1: De Gaulle becomes president of French committee of
National Defense. Giraud appointed as C-in-C of French armed forces. Allied
nations warn neutral countries not to give shelter to war criminals.
August 5: Russians take Orel, Belgorod.
August 6: Battle of Vella Gulf. Russians close in on
August 12: Large scale German evacuation from Sicily.
August 14: Rome declared as open city.
August 17: Americans enter Messina. All opposition in Sicily
ends. Royal Air Force bombs Peenemunde.
August 22: Germans evacuate Kharkov.
August 23: Russians capture Kharkov. Russians raid on Chung
August 28: Japan opposition in New Georgia ends.
September 3: Allies land in Messina. Allies sign Armistice
with Italy but not announced.
September 4: Allies land at east of Lae.
September 7: Himmler & Goring order total evacuation of
September 8: Eisenhower and Badoglio announce surrender of
Italy. Russians finish retake of Donets Basin.
September 9: Allies land at Salerno. First British Airborne
division lands at Taranto.
September 10: Germans occupy Rome. 8th army takes
September 12: Skorzeny rescues Mussolini.
September 13: Germans push 5th army back at
Salerno. Chiang Kai-Shek elected as President of China.
September 22: Allies land at Bari. Poltava took by Russian
September 25: Russians take Smolensk.
October 1: US 5th army capture Naples.
October 2: US 5th army takes Benevento. British commandos land at Termoli.
October 2: US 5th army takes Benevento. British commandos land at Termoli.
October 3: Japan attacks central China.
October 5: US Navy begins two day Sea and air bombardment of
Wake Islands.
October 13: Italy declares war on Germany.
October 18: Second Moscow conference.
November 5: US Task Force & US air force destroys Japan
cruisers & destroyers at Rabaul.
November 6: Japan recaptures Kiev.
November 7: Japanese reinforcement land on Bougainville.
November 20: US troops land on Makin 7 Tarawa Atolls.
British 8th army crosses Sangro.
November 22: First Cairo conference.
November 23: Organized resistance at Tarawa ends.
November 28: Teheran
conference begins.
December 3: Russians advance to wide front. 2nd
Cairo conference begins.
December 7: Cairo conference ends.
December 12: Czech-soviet alliance signed in Moscow. Rommel
appointed as C-in-C of fortress Europe.
December 14: Russians open winter offensive.
December 17: 5th army takes Sen Pietro.
December 21: Russian destroy German bridgehead over Dnieper
at Kherson.
December 25: Allies land on New Britain.
December 26: American marines land at Cape Gloucester. Royal Navy sinks the Scharnhorst. Russians launch offensive on Kiev Salient.
December 26: American marines land at Cape Gloucester. Royal Navy sinks the Scharnhorst. Russians launch offensive on Kiev Salient.
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