Thursday 24 September 2015


CABE Centre Advisory Board of Education
CADA Command Area Development Authority
CAG Controller and Auditor General
CAP Common Agriculture Policy
CASE Commission on Alternate Source of Energy
CBA Cost Benefit Analysis
CBFC Central Board of Flim Certification
CBR Cosmic Background Rediation
CBSE Central Coard of School Education
CDP Census Designated Place
CDRI Central Drug Research Institute
CEC Chief Election Commissioner
CEPA Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
CFC Chloroflouro Carbons
CFI Consolidated Fund of India
CFO Chief Financial Officer
CHEC Commonwealth Human Economic Council
CHOGM Commonwealth Heads of Government Meet
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CIC Central Information Commission
CII Confederation of Indian Industry
CIL Coal India Limited
CIS Commonwealth Independent States
CISF Cantral Industrial Security Force
CITU Centre of India Trade Union
CIWTC Central Inland Water Transport Corporation
CLRC Central Land Reforms Committee
CMEA Council of Mutual Economic Assistance
CMIE Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy
CNG Compressed Natural Gas
COAI Cellular Operators Association of India
COD Community of Democracies
COMESA Common Market for Eastern And South Africa
COSC Chiefs of State Committee
CPC Civil Procedure Code
CPF Contributory Provident Fund
CPIO Central Public Information Officer
CPIS Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme
CPR Common Property Resources
CRAC Cyber Regulation Advisory Council
CRIS Central Railway Informaion System
CRPF Central Reserve Police Force
CRRI Central Road Research Institute
CRRID Centre for Research in Rurl and Industrial Development
CRS Community Radio Stations
CSCAP Council for Security Cooperation in Asia Pacific
CSD Comprhensive Security Dialogue
CSIO Central Scientific Information Organisation
CSO Central Statistical Organisation
CSW Commisiion on the states of Women
CTCN Climate Technology Centre and Network
CTO Commercial Tax Officer
CVC Central Vigilance Commission
CPCB Central Pollution Control Board
CAA&A Controller of Aid Accounts and Audits
CBD Convention on Biological Diversity
CCIT Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism
CCPCJ Commission on Criminal Prevention and Criminal Justice
CDAC Centre for Development of Advanced computing
CECA Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement
CEP Cultural Exchange Programme
CMTS Cellular Mobile Telephone Service
CONCOR Container Corporation of India Limited
CPSU Central Public Sector Undertaking
CRAR Capital to Risk Assests Ratio
CRIS Centre for Railway Information System
CRISIL Credit Rating Information Services of India Ltd
CRR Cash Reserve Ratio
CAB College of Agriculture Banking
CAPIOS Central Assistand Public Information Officers
CART Council for Advancement of Rural Technology
CBEC Central Board of Excise and Customs
CBLO Collateralized Borrowing and Lending Obligation
CBS Core Banking Solution
CCIL Clearing Corporation of India Ltd
CDS Credit Default Swaps
CDSCO Cental Drugs Standard Control Organization
CFTC Commodity Futures Trading Commission
CLCC Central Level Coordination Committee
CRISP Computerised Rural Information System Project
CRGFS Credit Risk Gurantee Fund Scheme

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